Why Women Participation in Nigerian Politics is Extremely Appalling

Nigeria, a nation with a lively democracy and a rich cultural legacy, nonetheless has a problem with the underrepresentation of women in politics. Despite advancements in a number of areas, women’s political participation in Nigeria is still shockingly low. This essay seeks to explain the causes of this disparity and to emphasize the pressing necessity for action to resolve it.

Nigeria won its independence in 1960, and ever since, men have controlled the political scene. Women’s advancement in politics has been hampered by entrenched cultural and societal biases, traditional gender roles, and restricted access to resources and education. The idea that women’s roles are limited to the home and workplace while men rule the public realm, including politics, has been reinforced by patriarchal norms and stereotypes.

Gender-based discrimination is one of the major causes of the deplorable status of women’s engagement in Nigerian politics. There are many obstacles that women must overcome, including the lack of gender-sensitive regulations that would provide equal chances for women in politics, limited access to financial resources, cultural norms that delegitimize their involvement in public affairs, and limited access to financial resources. Because of this inequality, women’s voices are silenced and their capacity to actively engage in decision-making is reduced.

Women’s political participation in Nigeria is significantly hampered by the country’s numerous cultural traditions and traditions. Women are discouraged from participating in politics by norms that uphold the idea that they are inferior to males. Deeply rooted assumptions about women’s capacities, their susceptibility to harm, and their caregiving responsibilities uphold societal biases that prevent women from entering politics. This cultural inertia impedes development and limits the country’s capacity for inclusive and sustainable growth.

The absence of various viewpoints, which is necessary for efficient government, is fueled by the underrepresentation of women in Nigerian politics. Women’s concerns and interests are ignored by policies and laws because they are underrepresented in influential decision-making bodies. This gender gap prevents Nigerian society from reaping the rewards of inclusive governance and slows advancement in crucial areas like economic empowerment, access to healthcare, and gender equality.

This gender disparity prevents Nigerian society from reaping the rewards of inclusive governance and stymies advancement in vital fields like gender equality, healthcare, education, and economic development.

For women to participate in politics, they must have access to resources and education. However, there are considerable obstacles for Nigerian women in these fields. Many women are unable to get the information and abilities required for political engagement and leadership roles due to limited access to high-quality education. Their capacity to compete in the political sphere is also further constrained by a lack of financial resources and social networks, which feeds the cycle of underrepresentation.

Women in Nigerian politics who dare to do so frequently experience intimidation, violence, and harassment. Women are discouraged from actively engaging in political activities via threats, physical assaults, and character defamation campaigns. Such behaviors foster a hostile climate where women are further marginalized and lose faith in their ability to participate in public life.

The Urgent Need for Change

Concerted efforts are needed at many different levels to improve the awful situation of women’s participation in Nigerian politics. First and foremost, extensive legal changes are required, as well as affirmative action and quota programs that actively encourage women’s participation. Political parties should place a high priority on the participation of women in decision-making processes and establish favorable conditions that encourage their expansion and representation.

In addition, measures like awareness campaigns, sensitization programs, and gender mainstreaming in school curriculum need to be put into place to address gender-based prejudice and stereotypes. Women can be empowered to overcome the obstacles they encounter by investing in girls’ education and offering scholarships to encourage women’s political aspirations.

A shocking reality that impedes Nigeria’s progress toward inclusive democracy and sustainable development is the underrepresentation of women in politics. Recognizing gender-based discrimination, socio-cultural hurdles, a lack of representation, and restricted access to resources and education are necessary for addressing this issue. Nigeria may develop a political environment where women’s opinions are heard, appreciated, and actively participate in determining the future of the country through enacting inclusive policies, promoting gender equality, and questioning traditional conventions. Nigeria can only advance toward a society that is more inclusive and egalitarian via joint efforts.

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